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讲座题目:Problems of online dictionaries(在线词典的若干问题)
主讲嘉宾:Prof. Sven Tarp(词典学研究中心主任,University of Aarhus
主 持 人:宫 齐教授
【嘉宾简介】Prof. Sven Tarp (国际著名词典学家)
Professor, dr.ling.merc.,Head of Centre for Lexicography,School of Business and Social Sciences.
Academic Degrees and Appointments
·         Doctoral degree (dr.ling.merc.), October 2006
·         PhD degree in specialised lexicography, February 1993
·         Appointed as Sworn State Authorised Translator by the Ministry of Industry, October 1986
Academic Prizes
·         Awarded the title of Distinguished Visitor of the City of Santiago de Cuba, January 2011
·         Awarded the Hedorfs Fond’s Business Language Research Prize, November 2008
Academic Experience
·         Extraordinary Board Member, International Centre for Lexicography, University of Valladolid, Spain, since May 2013.
·         Extraordinary Professor, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, since January 2009
·         Full-time Professor, Institute for Language and Business Communication, ASB, Aarhus University, since February 2008
·         Associate Professor, Institute for Language and Business Communication, ASB, Aarhus University, since January 2007
·         Associate Professor, Institute for Language and Business Communication, ASB, 2005-2006
Administrative Experience
·         Head of Centre for Lexicography, since February 2013
·         Member of the Research Committee, Department of Business Communication, since February 2013
·         Member of the PhD Scholarship Committee, Department of Business Communication, since February 2013
·         Member of the Research Committee, Faculty of Modern Languages, ASB, 2001-2003
Research Abroad
·         Research at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, December 2014
·         Research at the International Centre for Lexicography, Valladolid, Spain, February 2014.
·         Research at the Centre for Applied Linguistics, Santiago de Cuba, January 2014.
·         Visiting professor at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, December 2013
·         Research at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, November-December 2013
·         Research at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, June-July 2013
·         Research at the International Centre for Lexicography, University of Valladolid, Spain, May 2013
·         Research at the University of Valladolid, Spain, December 2012
·         Research at the University of Valladolid, Spain, June 2012
·         Visiting professor at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, July-December 2011
Pear reviewed contributions
1.      Tarp, Sven 2015: Optimismo ciego o ceguera optimista. Estudios de Lexicografía, 1. February 2015, 148-149.
2.      Tarp, Sven 2015: Pocas veces. Estudios de Lexicografía, 1. February 2015, 14.
3.      Tarp, Sven 2015: Una base de datos – diez diccionarios distintos. In Leonel Ruiz Miyares, María Rosa Álvarez Silva, Alex Muñoz Alvarado, Yamilka Pérez Joa y Daileen Jackson Rodríquez (eds.):Comunicación Social: Retos y Perspectivas.Santiago de Cuba: Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, 273-277.
4.      Tarp, Sven 2015: On the disciplinary and functional status of economic lexicography. Ibérica, 29, 179-200.
5.      Tarp, Sven and Theo J.D. Bothma 2014: Why relevance theory is relevant for lexicography. Lexicographica,30350-378.
6.      Tarp, Sven 2014: Theory-Based Lexicographical Methods in a Functional Perspective: An Overview. Lexicographica,30, 58-76.
7.      Tarp, Sven 2014. Reflections on the role and design of online dictionaries for specialised translation.Revista MonTi, 6: 1-21.
8.      Tarp, Sven 2014. Reflexiones sobre el papel y diseño de los diccionarios de traducción. Revista MonTi, 6: 63-89.
9.      Tarp, Sven 2014: Dictionaries in the Internet Era: Innovation or Business as Usual? Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses,27: 1-25
10. Tarp, Sven 2014: (Yeni) Bir Sözlükbilim Teorisine İhtiyacımız Var mı? Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları: Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 9, 57-70.
11. Tarp, Sven 2014: Detecting user needs for new online dictionary projects: Business as usual, user research or …? In Carole Tiberius & Carolin Müller-Spitzer (Eds.): Research into dictionary use. Wörterbuchbenutzungsforschung. 5. Arbeitsbericht des wissenschaftlichen Netzwerks „Internetlexikografie“. Mannheim: Institut für Deutsche Sprache, 16-26.
12. Tarp, Sven and Patrick Leroyer (Eds.) 2014: Introduction to the Thematic Section: Towards Lexicographic Authority in Dictionaries of Economics. Hermes, 52, 7-11.
13. Tarp, Sven 2013. La necesidad de una teoría independiente de la lexicografía: El complejo camino de la lingüística teórica a la lexicografía práctica. Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación 56, 110-154.
14. Tarp, Sven 2013. Old wisdom: The highly relevant lexicographical knowledge we can get from a specialized dictionary from 1774. Lexikos 23, 394-413.
15. Tarp, Sven and Leonel Ruiz Miyares 2013. Cuban school dictionaries: a shared experience. Lexikos 23, 414-425.
16. Tarp, Sven 2013. What should we demand from an online dictionary for specialized translation? Lexicographica 29, 146-162.
17. Tarp, Sven and Theo J.D. Bothma 2013: An Alternative Approach to Enlightenment Age Lexicography: The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. Lexicographica 29, 222-284.
18. Tarp, Sven 2013: Retskrivningsordbog mellem to stole. Hermes, Journal of Language and Business Communication no. 50, 127-144.
19. Tarp, Sven 2013: Retskrivningsordbog på godt og ondt. LexicoNordica 20, 185-200.
20. Tarp, Sven and Patrick Leroyer 2013: Not Business as Usual: The Lexicography of Economics in the 21st Century. Introduction to the thematic section.Hermes, Journal of Language and Business Communication no. 50, 9-11.
  1. Tarp, Sven 2012. Three hundred years of crisis in economic dictionaries and encyclopaedias.Hermes 49, 67-77.
  2. Tarp, Sven and Theo J.D. Bothma 2012: Lexicography and the relevance criterion. Lexikos 22, 86-108.
  3. Tarp, Sven 2012. Online dictionaries: today and tomorrow. Lexicographica 28, 251-265.
  4. Tarp, Sven 2012: Do we need a (new) theory of lexicography? Lexikos 22, 345-356.
  5. Tarp, Sven and Rufus H. Gouws 2012: School dictionaries for first-language learners. Lexikos 22, 357-375.
  6. Tarp, Sven 2012: Specialised lexicography: 20 years in slow motion. Iberica 24, 117-128.
  7. Tarp, Sven 2012: New Experiences in Pedagogical Lexicography: Two Cuban SchoolDictionaries.Hermes 48: 95-107.
  8. Tarp, Sven 2011: Pedagogical Lexicography: Towards a New and StrictTypology Corresponding to thePresent State-of-the-Art. Lexikos 21: 217-231.
  9. Tarp, Sven and Pedro Fuentes Olivera 2011: Lexicography for the Third Millennium: Cognitive-oriented Specialised Dictionaries for Learners. Iberica 21, 141-161.
30. Tarp, Sven, Loránd-Levente Pálfi and Erzsébet Stokholm 2010: Bilingvale ordbøger med dansk og ungarsk. LexicoNordica 17, 227-247.
31. Tarp, Sven 2010: H.A. Welker and Pedagogical Lexicography. Lexikos 20, 230-249.
32. Tarp, Sven 2010: Reflections on the Academic Status of Lexicography. Lexikos 20, 450-465.
33. Tarp, Sven & Rufus H. Gouws 2010: Skoolwoordeboeke vir huistaalleerders van Afrikaans.Lexikos 20, 466-494.
  1. Tarp, Sven 2009: The foundations of a theory of learners’ dictionaries. In H.E. Wiegand (ed.):Lernerlexikographie in Europa. Stand und Perspektiven. Tübingen: Neymeier. (= Lexicographica. International Annual for Lexicography 25), 155-158.
  2. Tarp, Sven og Loránd-levente Pálfi 2009: Die Lernerlexicographie in Skandinavien. Entwicklung, Kritik und Vorschläge. In H.E. Wiegand (ed.): Lernerlexikographie in Europa. Stand und Perspektiven. Tübingen: Neymeier. (= Lexicographica. International Annual for Lexicography 25), 135-154.
  3. Tarp, Sven 2009: Reflections on lexicographic user research. Lexikos 19. 275-296.
  4. Tarp, Sven 2009: Homonymy and polysemy in a lexicographic perspective. In Henning Bergenholtz and Thomas Herbst (eds.): Classification in Linguistics and Lexicography. Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 2009. Volumen 57, number 3, 289-306.
  5. Tarp, Sven 2009. The epistemology of lexicography: an answer to Robert Lew. In K. Iwan and I. Korpaczewska (eds.): Przegląd Humanistyczny. Pedagogika. Politologia. Filologia. Szczecin: Szczecińska Szkoła Wyższa Collegium Balticum, 114-123.
  6. Tarp, Sven, Fuentes Olivera, Pedro 2008: La Teoría Funcional de la Lexicografía y sus consecuencias para los diccionarios de Economía del español. Revista de Lexicografía 14, pp. 75-95.
40. Tarp, Sven and Rufus H. Gouws 2008: A lexicographic approach to language policy and recommendations for future dictionaries. Lexikos 18. pp. 232-255.
41. Tarp, Sven 2008: Revival of a Dusty Old Profession. Hermes. Journal of Linguistics, no. 41,pp. 175-188.
42. Tarp, Sven 2008: Strøtanker om Leksikografi. LEDA-Nyt, no. 46, pp. 4-10.
43. Tarp, Sven, Carsten Bergenholtz og Henning Bergenholtz 2008: Leksikografi i videnskabsteoretisk perspektiv: sand, falsk eller irrelevant. LexicoNordica, no. 15, pp. 155-168.
  1. Tarp, Sven 2008: Kan brugerundersøgelser overhovedet afdække brugernes leksikografiske behov?LexicoNordica, no. 15, pp. 5-32.
  2. Tarp, Sven, Gouws, Rufus 2008: A new step forward for South African learners' lexicography.Journal for Language Teaching/Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig, nr. 18, pp. 65-79.
  3. Tarp, Sven 2008: The third leg of two-legged lexicography. Hermes. Journal of Linguistics, nr. 40, pp. 117-131.
  4. Tarp, Sven, Bergenholtz, Henning 2007: Politik und Sprachpolitik in der Lexikographie.In Henrik Gottlieb and Jens Erik Mogensen (eds.): Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 217-240.
  5. Tarp, Sven 2007: Håndbog i Nudansk i leksikografisk perspektiv. LexicoNordica, no. 14, pp. 323-340.
  6. Hvad er en ordbog? Dansk Noter, nr. 2, pp. 54-57.
  7. Tarp, Sven 2007: Lexicography in the Information Age. Lexikos, no. 17, pp. 170-179.
  8. Tarp, Sven 2007: A baby is born: Review of «Rufus Gouws, Mariza Stark and Liezl Gouws: Nuwe Woordeboek sonder grense. Kaapstad: Maskew Miller Longman 2004». Hermes, Journal of Linguistics, no. 35, pp. 217-220.
  9. Tarp, Sven 2006. Lexicografía de aprendizaje. In Claudia Xatara y Philippe Humblé (eds.):Tradução e lexicografia pedagógica. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, pp. 295-317. (= Cadernos de tradução XVIII)
  10. Tarp, Sven 2005: The pedagogical dimension of the well-conceived specialised dictionary.Ibérica, No 10, pp. 7-21.
54. Tarp, Sven, Bergenholtz, Henning 2005: Electronic dictionaries: old and new lexicographic solutions. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics,no. 34, pp. 7-9.
55. Tarp, Sven 2004: Hvad er en bilingval ordbog? LexicoNordica, no. 11, pp. 5-22.
56. Tarp, S., Gouws, Rufus H. 2004: Wie leer wat uit Afrikaanse (aan)leerderwoordeboeke. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. Jaargang 44, Nommer 4,pp. 276-298.
57. Tarp, Sven 2004: Reflections on dictionaries designed to assist the users with text production in a foreign language. Lexikos 14, pp. 299-325.
58. Tarp, Sven 2004: Basic problems of learner’s lexicography. Lexikos 14, pp. 222-252.
  1. Tarp, Sven 2004: Korrektur og retning som leksikografiske funktioner. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics, no. 33, pp. 117-147.
  2. Tarp, Sven 2004: How Can Dictionaries Assist Translators? In Chan Sin-wai (ed.): Translation and Bilingual Dictionaries. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 23-39. (= Lexicographica. Series Maior, Band 119.)
61. Tarp, Sven, Bergenholtz, Henning 2003: Two opposing theories: On H.E. Wiegand’s recent discovery of lexicographic functions. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics, no. 31, pp. 171-196.
62. Tarp, Sven 2003: The usefulness of different types of articles in learner’s dictionaries. Review of “Ursula Wingate: The Effectiveness of Different Learner Dictionaries: An Investigation into the Use of Dictionaries for Reading Comprehension by Intermediate Learners of German. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2002”. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics, no. 30, pp. 215-234.
63. Tarp, Sven 2003: Kritiske bemærkninger til den officielle danske retskrivningsordbog.LexicoNordica, no. 9, pp. 195-208.
  1. Tarp, Sven 2002: Translation Dictionaries and Bilingual Dictionaries. Two Different Concepts.Journal of Translation Studies, No 7, July 2002, pp. 59-84.
65. Tarp, Sven 2002: Propuestas para la traducción especializada mediante un sitio web. TradTerm 8, 2002. Revista do Centro Interdepartamental de Tradução e Terminologia, pp. 257-274.
  1. Tarp, Sven, Bergenholtz, Henning 2002: Die moderne lexikographische Funktionslehre. Diskussionsbeitrag zu neuen und alten Paradigmen, die Wörterbücher als Gebrauchsgegenstände verstehen. Lexicographica, no. 18, pp. 253-263.
  2. Tarp, Sven 2002: Functions in de Gruyter Wörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. In H.E. Wiegand (ed): Perspektiven der pädagogischen Lexikographie des Deutchen II. Untersuchungen anhand des »de Gruyter Wörterbucsh Deutsch als Fremdsprache«. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 609-619. (= Lexicographica. Series Maior, Band 110)
  3. Tarp, Sven 2001: Lexicography and the linguistic concepts of homonymy and polysemy.Lexicographica, no. 17, pp. 22-39.
  4. Tarp, Sven 2001: Den kommercielle leksikografis synder. Review of ”Pia Vater: Spansk-Dansk Ordbog. Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2000”. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics, no. 26, pp. 151-163.
  5. Tarp, Sven 2000: Theoretical Challenges to Practical Specialised Lexicography. Lexikos 10, pp. 189-208.
  6. Tarp, Sven 1999: Lørnerordbøger for indvandrere og andet godtfolk. LexicoNordica, no. 6, pp. 107-132.
  7. Tarp, Sven 1999: Theoretical foundations of the so-called cross-reference structures.Lexicographica, no. 15, pp. 114-137.
  8. Tarp, Sven 1998: Leksikografien på egne ben. Fordelingsstrukturer og byggedele i et brugerorienteret perspektiv. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics no. 21, pp. 121-137.
  9. Tarp, Sven 1997: Introduction to Thematic Section. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics no. 18, pp. 9-11.
  10. Tarp, Sven 1995: Wörterbuchfunktionen: Utopische und realistische Vorschläge für die bilinguale Lexikographie. In: H.E. Wiegand (ed.): Studien zur zweisprachigen Lexikographie mit Deutsch II.Hildesheim/New York: Olms, pp. 17-51. (= Germanistische Linguistik 127-128)
  11. Tarp, Sven, Bergenholtz, Henning and Kaufmann, Uwe 1994: Vore mænd i Havanna: Udarbejdelse af konception til en spansk-engelsk genteknologisk ordbog. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics, no. 13, pp. 291-304.
1.      Tarp, Sven and Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera 2014. Theory and practice of specialised online dictionaries: Lexicography versus terminography. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter.
2.      Tarp, Sven and Sandro Nielsen (eds.) 2009: Lexicography in the 21st Century. In honour of Henning Bergenholtz. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. (=Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 12)
  1. Tarp, Sven, Henning Bergenholtz and Sandro Nielsen (eds.) 2009: Lexicography at a Crossroads: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias today, Lexicographical Tools tomorrow. Bern: Peter Lang. (= Linguistic Insights – Studies in Language and Communication 90)
4.      Tarp, Sven 2008. Lexicography in the borderland between knowledge and non-knowledge. General lexicographical theory with particular focus on learner’s lexicography. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Lexicographica Series Maior 134)
  1. Tarp, Sven 2008: Tibet mellem myte og virkelighed. Copenhagen: Forlaget Arbejderen.
  2. Tarp, Sven 2006: Leksikografien i grænselandet mellem viden og ikke-viden. Generel leksikografisk teori med særlig henblik på lørnerleksikografi. Doktorafhandling. Århus: Center for Leksikografi.
  3. Tarp, Sven 2003: Verdens folk i kamp mod det fjerde rige. Copenhagen: Forlaget Arbejderen.
  4. Tarp, Sven 1999: Historien om en bebudet krig. Om vestmagternes indtrængen på Balkan. Copenhagen: Forlaget Arbejderen.
  5. Tarp, Sven 1998 (ed.): Fagleksikografi som speciale. Bind I. Århus: Spansk Institut og Center for Leksikografi, Handelshøjskolen i Århus.
  6. Tarp, Sven 1994: Cubansk demokrati set med vestlige øjne. Copenhagen: Dansk-Cubansk Forening.
  7. Tarp, Sven and Bergenholtz, Henning 1995 (eds.): Manual of Specialised Lexicography. The Preparation of Specialised Dictionaries. Amsterdam: Benjamins (= Benjamins Translation Library 12).
  8. Tarp, Sven and Bergenholtz, Henning 1994 (eds.): Manual i fagleksikografi. Udarbejdelse af fagordbøger - problemer og løsningsforslag. Herning: Systime.
  9. Tarp, Sven 1992: Prolegomena til teknisk ordbog. Ph.D.-afhandling. Århus: Spansk Institut. Handelshøjskolen i Århus.
Contributions in books
1.      Tarp, Sven 2013. New developments in learner’s dictionaries III: bilingual learner’s dictionaries. In Rufus H. Gouws, Ulrich Heid, Wolfgang Schweickard and Herbert Ernst Wiegand (eds.): Dictionaries. An international encyclopedia of lexicography. Supplementary volume: Recent developments with special focus on computational lexicography. Berlin: De Gruyter, 58-64.
  1. Tarp, Sven 2013: Lexicographic functions.In Rufus H. Gouws, Ulrich Heid, Wolfgang Schweickard and Herbert Ernst Wiegand (eds.): Dictionaries. An international encyclopedia of lexicography. Supplementary volume: Recent developments with special focus on computational lexicography.Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 93-100.
  2. Tarp, Sven 2012: Theoretical challenges in the transition from lexicographical p-works to e-tools. In Sylviane Granger & Magali Paquot (eds.): Electronic Lexicography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 107-118.
  3. Tarp, Sven 2011: Lexicographical and other e-tools for consultation purposes: Towards the individualization of needs satisfaction. In Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera & Henning Bergenholtz (eds.): e-Lexicography: The Internet, Digital Initiatives and Lexicography. London & New York: Continuum, 54-70.
  4. Tarp, Sven 2010: Functions of Specialised Learners’ Dictionaries. In Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera (ed.): Specialised Dictionaries for Learners. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 27-38.
  5. Tarp, Sven and Henning Bergenholtz2010: LSP Lexicography or Terminography? The lexicographer's point of view. In Pedro Fuertes Olivera (ed.): Specialised Dictionaries for Learners.Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 39-54.
  6. Tarp, Sven and Sandro Nielsen 2009: Introduction: Nothing is more practical than a good theory. In Sandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp (eds.) 2009: Lexicography in the 21st Century. In honour of Henning Bergenholtz. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, IX-XI. (=Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 12)
  7. Tarp, Sven 2009: Reflections on data access in lexicographic works. In Sandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp (eds.) 2009: Lexicography in the 21st Century. In honour of Henning Bergenholtz. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 43-62. (=Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 12)
  8. Tarp, Sven and Sandro Nielsen 2009: Henning Bergenholtz: Bibliovita. Tarp, Sven and Sandro Nielsen 2009: Introduction: Nothing is more practical than a good theory. In Sandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp (eds.) 2009: Lexicography in the 21st Century. In honour of Henning Bergenholtz. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 309-335. (=Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 12)
10. Tarp, Sven, Henning Bergenholtz and Sandro Nielsen (eds.) 2009: Introduction. In Henning Bergenholtz, Sandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp (eds.): Lexicography at a Crossroads: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias today, Lexicographical Tools tomorrow. Bern: Peter Lang, 7-15. (= Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication 90)
11. Tarp, Sven 2009: Beyond Lexicography: New Visions and Challenges in the Information Age. In Henning Bergenholtz, Sandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp (eds.): Lexicography at a Crossroads: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias today, Lexicographical Tools tomorrow. Bern: Peter Lang, 17-32. (= Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication 90)
  1. Tarp, Sven 2009: Lexicographic functions. International Encyclopedia of Lexicography. Band. 4.Berlin / New York: de Gruyter. (Accepted)
  2. Tarp, Sven 2009: Functions of Specialised Learners’ Dictionaries. In Pedro A. Fuertes Olivera (ed.): Future Trends in Specialised Dictionaries for Learners. In honour of Enrique Alcaraz Varó. (In print)
  3. Tarp, Sven and Henning Bergenholtz 2009: LSP Lexicography or Terminography? The lexicographer's point of view. In Pedro Fuertes Olivera (ed.): Future Trends in Specialised Dictionaries for Learners. A Festschrift in honour of Enrique Alcaraz Varó(In print)
  4. Tarp, Sven 2008: Desafíos teóricos y prácticos de la lexicografía de aprendizaje. In Claudia Xatara, Cleci Bevilacqua y Philippe Humblé (eds.): Lexicografia Pedagógica: Pesquisas e Perspectivas. Santa Catarina: UFSC/NUT, pp. 46-73. (ISBN: 85-88464-08-1) (www. cilp.ufsc.br/LEXICOPED.pdf)
  5. Tarp, Sven 2007: ¿Qué requisitos debe cumplir un diccionario de traducción en el siglo 21? In Pedro A. Fuertes Olivera (ed.): Problemas lingüísticos en la traducción especializada.Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, pp. 227-256.
  6. Tarp, Sven 2005: Desafíos para la lexicografía especializada. I: Pedro A. Fuertes Olivera (red.): Lengua y Sociedad: Investigaciones Recientes en Lingüística Aplicada. Valladolid: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial de la Universidad de Valladolid, s. 205-232. (=Lingüística y Filología no 61)
  7. Tarp, Sven and Bergenholtz, Henning 2005: Dictionaries and inflectional morphology. In Keith Brown (red.): Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistic. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 577-580.
19. Tarp, Sven and Bergenholtz, Henning 2005: Dictionaries and word formation. In Keith Brown (red.): Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistic. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 580-583.
20. Tarp, Sven and Bergenholtz, Henning 2005: Verteilungsstrukturen in Wörterbüchern. In I. Barz, H. Bergenholtz and J. Korhonen (red.): Schreiben, Verstehen, Übersetzen, Lernen. Zu ein- und zweisprachigen Wörterbüchern mit Deutsch. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 119-126.
21. Tarp, Sven and Bergenholtz, Henning 2005: Wörterbuchfunktionen. In I. Barz, H. Bergenholtz and J. Korhonen (red.): Schreiben, Verstehen, Übersetzen, Lernen. Zu ein- und zweisprachigen Wörterbüchern mit Deutsch. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 11-25.
22. Tarp, Sven 2005: The concept of a bilingual dictionary. In I. Barz, H. Bergenholtz and J. Korhonen (red.): Schreiben, Verstehen, Übersetzen, Lernen. Zu ein- und zweisprachigen Wörterbüchern mit Deutsch. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 27-41.
23. Tarp, Sven and Bergenholtz, Henning 2004: The concept of “dictionary usage”. In: C. Dollerup (ed.):  Worlds of Words. A tribute to Arne Zettersten.Nordic Journal of English Studies. Volume 3, No. 1 2004, pp. 23-36.
24. Tarp, Sven 2003: Les eléments de base de la theorie lexicographique. In J.D. Emejulu (ed.):Eléments de Lexicographie Gabonaise. Tome II. New York: Jimacs-Hillman Publishers, pp. 7-21.
  1. Tarp, Sven 2003: Lexicographic problems and solutions in different types of specialized dictionaries. In R. Hartmann (ed.): Lexicography: Critical Concepts. Volume 1: Dictionaries, Compilers, Critics and Users. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, pp. 109-123.
  2. Tarp, Sven, Bergenholtz, Henning and Wiegand, Herbert Ernst 1999: Datendistributionsstrukturen. Makro- und Mikrostrukturen in neueren Fachwörterbüchern. In: L. Hoffmann, H. Kalverkämper, H.E. Wiegand in cooperation with C. Galinski and W. Hüllen (eds.): Fachsprachen. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Fachsprachenforschung und Terminologiewissenschaft. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 1762-1832.
  3. Tarp, Sven 1998: Fagleksikografi som speciale. In S. Tarp (ed.): Fagleksikografi som speciale. Bind I. Århus: Spansk Institut og Center for Leksikografi, Handelshøjskolen i Århus, pp. 5-7.
  4. Tarp, Sven 1996: Brugervejledning. In K.E. Kjær Madsen: En gæst og en fisk lugter ilde den tredie dag. 2000 danske ordsprog med spanske paralleller. Copenhagen: Handelshøjskolens forlag.
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