本届大会主题是“颠覆与多样化”(Disruption and Diversification);根据大会官网最新信息,发言申请者须于2016年11月1日前提交200至250字的发言摘要和5个关键词,注明摘要是用于发言(presentation)还是张贴论文(poster),并于2017年4月1日前在线注册并提交全文。具体要求以第21届世界翻译大会官网通知为准(www.fit2017.org/call-for-papers/)。
1. Translating from/into Minority and Indigenous Languages
2. Language and Conflict
3. Community Interpreting and Translation
4. Sign Language Interpreting
5. Localisation as a Genre
6. Social Media Translation Trends
7. Globalisation, Ethics and Status of the Profession
8. Translation Practice and Academic Research
9. Future Shock – Technology, Disruption and the New Industry Paradigm
10. Creativity and Translation in the Post-modern World
11. Freelancing as a Reflective Business Practice