
Key Words to Understand China: The Fight Against COVID-19
Decisions by the Central Leadership
1. 生命重于泰山
Saving Lives Is of Paramount Importance.
Safety and health are the basic needs of the people. Xi Jinping attaches great importance to these two issues, and has given instructions on ensuring people’s health and safety on different occasions.
He demanded Party committees and governments at all levels to give top priority to people’s safety and health, and take epidemic control a most important work in the immediate future. He required effective measures to be taken to contain the outbreak.
“Saving lives is of paramount importance.” – This echoes the CPC’s mission of serving the people whole-heartedly and its principle of taking the interests of the people above everything else. It is the CPC’s pledge to save lives and cure patients at all costs. It will spare no effort and adopt all measures necessary to combat the epidemic. For the current time, other work should make way for the efforts to protect the safety and health of the people. Implementing the decisions by the CPC Central Committee, the whole country will take comprehensive actions in social mobilization, deployment, and prevention and control of the epidemic.
2. 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任
Go Where There Is Epidemic, Fight It till It Perishes.
Epidemic prevention and control directly concerns the safety and health of the people, the overall stability of the economy and society, and the country’s opening up to the outside world.
After hearing the report on epidemic prevention and control at the meeting held on January 25, 2020, Xi Jinping ordered, “Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.”
3. 把疫情防控工作作为当前最重要的工作来抓
Epidemic Prevention and Control: Top of Current Agenda
At the meeting held on January 25, 2020, Xi Jinping emphasized that epidemic prevention and control must be put at the top of current agenda. This underscored the work in this emergency period and set clear coordinates for resolutely winning the war without smoke.
Putting epidemic prevention and control at the top of current agenda – This is because people’s lives are of supreme importance, and people’s health and safety are the top priority. China will save people’s lives at any cost, safeguard their health despite any difficulties, and prevent and control the epidemic without shying away from any hardships. As the epidemic spreads, China will do everything possible to combat it. Only by taking the problem more seriously and implementing more thoughtful measures, can the country outrun the epidemic, gain the initiative to win the war, and effectively curb its spread.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Xi Jinping has paid close attention to and made important instructions on virus prevention and control. The CPC Central Committee has issued a circular on strengthening Party leadership and providing strong political support for the battle. The Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control has made timely study and arrangements for relevant work, and the Central Guiding Team dispatched to Hubei province has actively carried out their work. The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council was developed for overall planning and inter-agency coordination, which has promptly solved many pressing issues in epidemic prevention and control. In the meantime, Party committees and governments at all levels have taken active steps to outrun the epidemic. A strong joint force to battle the epidemic has been formed.
4. 坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策
United to Take Science-Based and Targeted Measures and Fight the Epidemic with Confidence
At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 25, 2020, Xi Jinping called on the whole nation to be united, take science-based and targeted measures against the epidemic, and have confidence in conquering the virus. This is a general requirement by the CPC Central Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control based on a thorough analysis of the situation.
5. 坚决打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战
A Nation’s War on the Epidemic
During an inspection in Beijing on February 10, 2020, Xi Jinping encouraged the people to be determined to fight and win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources to control the spread of the virus. He has reiterated this resolution on different occasions.
Epidemic prevention and control is a war that calls for all-out efforts. Party committees and governments at all levels must act in a coordinated national response and follow unified command, coordination and dispatch. They need to acquire relevant knowledge and skills of epidemic prevention, have greater confidence and be more resolved to defeat the epidemic. They must unite as one like a fortress, fully implement the joint prevention and control measures, put up an effective defense, and build a strong synergy against the virus. They must know that epidemic prevention and control is not an issue merely about medicine and health, but a task that demands all-out efforts, and all work must provide support for winning the war against the epidemic.
Epidemic prevention and control is a war to stop the epidemic from spreading. Facing the menacing, highly contagious and fast-spreading epidemic, all Party members and officials must get prepared for this unprecedented test. They must keep up the spirit, stay true to the mission of the Chinese Communists, and bravely shoulder the responsibility. They must devote more time and energy to the front line of epidemic prevention and control, pool the strength of every citizen, strive to overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, and hand over a perfect answer sheet to the Party and the people.
Anti-Epidemic Guidelines and Arrangements
1. 成立中央应对疫情工作领导小组
The Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control
At its meeting on January 25, 2020, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided to form a Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control (“Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control” for short).
On January 26, Li Keqiang presided over the first meeting of the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control. The meeting concluded that as epidemic prevention and control is currently in a critical stage, Party committees and governments at all levels must unify their thinking and actions by following the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions and the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. They must put epidemic prevention and control at the top of their current agenda, and take more decisive, more powerful and orderly, more scientific and thorough measures to effectively curb the spread of the virus.
To further tighten epidemic prevention and control in Hubei province and Wuhan city, the meeting decided to dispatch a Central Guiding Team there to promote the frontline work. It also decided to allocate resources nationwide to first meet the urgent need for medical workers and medical supplies in Hubei and Wuhan and to ensure the supply of daily nec.